We offer you, Lord, a poor man’s gift. We offer you a poor man’s life. We’re poor and hungry; we’re naked and weak; we break easily, Lord, so handle us gently.
The goods that we offer are gifts from you: our lives with all their freedom, our distracted minds, our often weak wills and failing memories. These are a poor man’s gift to you.
And since they come from you, Lord, please see your way clear to accepting them. We’ve had our problems using them well, but we know your love can transform them into a gift pleasing to you.
And for us, Lord, hear our servant’s simpler prayer: When we are weak, be our strength; when we doubt, be our faith; when we’re discouraged, be our hope; and when we’re lost, come and find us. When we’re hungry, be our food; and when we’re thirsty, be our drink; when we’re in the darkness, be our light; and when we’re sad, be our comfort and joy.
Let us feel your touch in all we say and do. Let us grow and blossom in your love. Grant us this, Lord, and there’s nothing more we want until we see you face to face. Take all we have and are, give us your love and your grace, with all these we are full, yes, we’re full. Amen.
— Michael E. Moynahan, S.J.