Tags pointing to:  God (74 found)

The Coin of Faith

From Br. Joseph — There are two sides to faith, just as there are two sides to a coin. One side of the “coin of faith” looks externally, that is, it looks outside of our selves to others for examples and models of living faith. They are witnesses, and it is in accepting their experiences, […]

Reflect Love

From Br. Joseph — This is the fourth reflection on seven signposts for the season of Lent (and for all seasons). Signposts give us direction. They point to some place. They involve action, movement. Many signposts call us to remember something important, some thing that is already there but is often covered up by the […]

Humbly Adore

O God, as once the good angels humbled themselves to adore You appearing before them as a man, may man humbly adore You appearing before us as bread. — from a prayer card [via]

Why Christmas?

From Br. Joseph — The young boy asked, “Why Christmas?” His father replied, “You know, it’s December 25th, the season when everyone puts up Christmas trees and decorates everything in red and green. We hang Christmas lights on the house and…” “Yes, I know all that Dad. Not when is Christmas. Why Christmas?” The father […]

The Whole Universe is as a Grain

From today’s reading: Before the Lord the whole universe      is as a grain from a balance      or a drop of morning dew      come down upon the earth. But you have mercy on all,      because you can do all things;      and you overlook people’s sins   […]

Love (III)

Love bade me welcome, yet my soul drew back,      Guiltie of dust and sinne. But quick-ey’d Love, observing me grow slack      From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning      If I lack’d anything. A guest, I answer’d, worthy to be here:      Love said, You […]

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I Am Their Father

From Br. Joseph (Sept. 18, 2007) — Sunday’s Gospel reading was about the Lost Son in Luke 15 (aka Prodigal Son). I want to share a marvelous poem written about a century ago by Charles Péguy that references this parable. The poem is actually a portion of a larger poem called “A Vision of Prayer” […]

The Body of Christ

The term Body of Christ means three things: 1) the actual physical body of Jesus; 2) the Church (with a capital “C”) because we as individual persons are church, parts of the Body, branches on the Vine; and 3) the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament. (Note: Some believers have issues with the third one. There is a plausible explanation […]

Only in Love

Only in love can I find You, my God. In love, the gates of my soul spring open, allowing me to breath a new air of freedom and forget my own petty self. In love, my whole being streams forth out of the rigid confines of narrowness and anxious self-assertion, which make me a prisoner […]

Waiting for God

The felt the big emptiness this morning. It actually started yesterday afternoon, but I did not notice or label it as such until this morning. It is not depression. I know depression. It’s close, but not the same. There is no despair, no deep sadness or lowness that comes with depression. It is just an […]

In My Emptiness You are Present

I’m bad about shopping for books. I cannot stop in a bookstore without rummaging through the religion/faith section. If a book looks good, I’ll purchase it in hopes of reading it some day. Sometimes, I’ll start the new book the same evening, pushing other books back in the queue, and finish the book. Sometimes, I’ll […]

Where are You?

The Lord God then called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) This is, in my opinion, the saddest line in the whole of Scripture. It hints of God’s heart ache for us. It is a response to a choice Adam and Eve made that formed a great chasm between God and […]

The Wind Blows

From today’s reading, Jesus says to Nicodemus, “The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) This is one of my favorite passages. It describes […]


Heard this line in the movie, As Good As It Gets: Waiting gives the devil time. Waiting also gives God time.

God and Hell

Is God in Hell? The modern explanation likes to say that Hell is the absence of God. But can such a place exist? The very existence of reality is grounded in God. Being or existence itself is in and of God. God is existence. All is within God. In otherwords, our existence is not independent […]


In The Lord, Romano Guardini reflects on God’s forgiveness: Men actually did not know that God must be as he is in order to be able to forgive, for what they formerly meant by forgiveness was no true forgiveness, but a covering up, a looking away, a gracious ignoring, cessation of anger and punishment. Genuine […]

My Heart Beats for You

At the retreat this weekend, one of my students had a small epiphany during a very special prayer moment around the Blessed Sacrament. The following words come to her; it seemed as if God was speaking directly to her within her heart. A deep sense of peace followed. She wrote down the words on her […]

There’s a Reason

Found this little poem in a book laying around in the sacristy of the chapel at camp. For every pain we must bear, for every burden, for every care, there’s a reason. for every grief that bows the head for every teardrop that is shed, there’s a reason. For every hurt, for every plight, for […]

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