Brian, the senior religion teacher, delivered the morning prayer before an all-school assembly yesterday. Before the prayer, he told us this story: There was a farmer working out in his field one day. A traveler was walking down the road next to the field. The traveler motioned for the farmer to come over to talk. […]
Over the last month or so, little things have been popping up here and there that have reminded me of my old self—the self-reliant, skeptical agnostic. I used to believe in a Creator-God, the Initiator of the Universe. I was not sure if He interfered with things on this planet, and if He did, science […]
I have a friend who says that there is no such things as coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. The mathematician inside of me is skeptical with images of probability calculations and statistical charts. I am resistant to ascribe a higher meaning to why I ran into a former student yesterday, but it feels at […]
O Lord, teach me to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to Labor and not to ask for any reward, save knowing that I do your will. Amen. — St. Ignatius
If you are an ardent reader, seek not brilliant and erudite texts; otherwise the demon of haughtiness will strike your heart. But like a wise bee that gathers honey from flowers, so also through your reading obtain healing for your soul. — St. Ephraim the Syrian (via via)
I was watching a TV show called Oswald with my three-old son this afternoon. Oswald is a children’s cartoon about an eternally optimistic, soft-spoken, blue and round octopus. In this particular episode, he first meets his happy-go-lucky friend Daisy the flower. She is busy catching leaves for her leaf collection. Then he meets his anal-retentive […]
I discovered this near the end of a lengthy article by Fr. John Whiteford: In On Christian Doctrine, St. Augustine spends a lot of time describing how one should read, study, and interpret Scripture. In fact, he “spends much more time talking about the kind of person the study of the Scripture requires than about the intellectual […]
For most of my life, I have followed the advice of not discussing religion or politics with anyone outside of my comfort zone. I have found that most people are entrenched in their views and beliefs, and are more interested in espousing their own ideas and opinions at the expense of others. On a few […]
In Father Ken’s homily on Sunday, he described his past experiences with Lent as a time for “spiritual spring cleaning.” (Lent does mean spring.) He had always felt that Lent was a time for introspection—a deep and long look at one’s self. With mediation and prayer, a conversion or renewal toward Christ and God will […]
The ashes of Ash Wednesday are to remind us that we came from dust, and shall return to dust after we die. It is also a reminder that we are given the gift of time between those two stages of dust. It is up to us to fill that time. How are you spending your […]
If Jesus was sitting right next to you, just like any other person, what would you say to Him? What would you ask Him? How would you act around Him? Would you say or ask anything different than in prayer? Would you act any different than you do now? Think about it. Do you need […]