In further reflection on the song “Laughing With” (see lyrics and this post), the word transcendence has popped into my head.
Paradox points to transcendence, to something more. To transcend means to rise above, to see more. It does not deny what is, it just gives a wider vision of what is, depth, a larger point of view.
Grace also perfects. It does not deny what is. It makes it perfect, makes real, transforms into reality. God’s point of view is reality, not ours. Our point view contains parts of what is real, but also contains much of our own projections, wants, and desires. (We see things how we want to see them, not always as they are.)
So, it makes me wonder. If God is love and a loving God lets people suffer, than maybe my definition of love and suffering are not completely right (real). After all, Jesus was/is God, and He loved/loves. He also suffered and died. He did not avoid what that song described. Do I expect better than what Jesus experienced in life?
There must be more to the meaning of love.