Quotes for September 2006

Too often there is…

· 30 September 2006

The trouble is that too often there is forty horsepower under the bonnet and one asspower at the wheel.

— John MacNaughton

« πλ | Observation »

Maturity begins to grow…

· 29 September 2006

Maturity begins to grow when you can sense your concern for others outweighing your concern for yourself.

— John MacNaughton

« πλ | Attitude, Humility, Wisdom »

If you are pained by external things…

· 28 September 2006

If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now.

— Marcus Aurelius

« πλ | Detachment, Judgement, Suffering »

Teachers open the door…

· 27 September 2006

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

— Chinese proverb

« πλ | Education, Proverb »

Wisdom which does not…

· 26 September 2006

Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.

— Kahlil Gibran

« πλ | Wisdom »

To give light…

· 25 September 2006

What is to give light must endure burning.

— Viktor Frankl

« πλ | Love »

We modern egalitarians…

· 24 September 2006

We modern egalitarians are tempted to the primal sin of pride in the opposite way from the ancients. The old, aristocratic form of pride was the desire to be better than others. The new, democratic form is the desire not to have anyone better than yourself. It is just as spiritually deadly and does not even carry with it the false pleasure of gloating superiority.

— Peter Kreeft, “Fourteen Questions About Heaven”

« πλ | Sin »

A drop of water…

· 23 September 2006

Meister Eckhart used the analogy of a drop of water (the Universe) in the ocean (God). The drop “is” ocean, has the qualities of ocean, and ocean permeates it. But the ocean is not a drop, and can never “depend” upon a drop. God is in Creation because he is the very Ground of Being, and lovingly sustains it, not because he is it.

— Jon Zuck, “Biblical Panentheism”

« πλ | God »

Advice for beginning mystics…

· 22 September 2006

And now, advice for beginning mystics. Be sober, be intelligent, be educated, rely on the tangible reality as long as you can. Remember that the act of writing is a tiny part of a bigger something. Defend the value of the spiritual experience and if somebody tells you it’s an old fashioned notion, laugh loudly and serenely.

— Adam Zagajewski [source, via]

« πλ | Attitude »

Not one that consists in…

· 21 September 2006

The life which is truly real is not one that consists in experiencing sensations, but in activity, I mean activity in both thought and deed.

— Simone Weil [via]

« πλ | Life »

The plant of our new life…

· 20 September 2006

Faith is the root, the necessary beginning. Hope is the stem, the energy that makes the plant grow. Love is the fruit, the flower, the visible product, the bottom line. The plant of our new life in Christ is one; the life of God comes into us by faith, through us by hope, and out of us by the works of love.

— Peter Kreeft, Fundamentals of the Faith [via]

« πλ | Faith, Hope, Love »

The flight from woman…

· 19 September 2006

It is the modern feminists who are the real male chauvinists, lusting for reproductive freedom (sexual irresponsibility) like playboys and demanding empowerment, that is, envying and imitating not only males, but male fools, judging inner worth by outer performance, sacrificing being for doing, finding their identity in their worldly careers, not in their inner essence, in their physical and spiritual wombs and motherhoods. This is what Karl Stern called “the flight from woman.”

— Peter Kreeft, “Sexual Symbolism”

« πλ | Observation, Politics »

God’s Bride…

· 18 September 2006

The Church is God’s Bride. All the saints and mystics say the ultimate purpose of human life, the highest end for which we were made, is the Spiritual Marriage. This is not socially relative; it is eternal. And in it, the soul is spiritually impregnated by God, not vice versa. That is the ultimate reason why God must always be he to us, never she. Religion is essentially heterosexual and therefore fruitful.

— Peter Kreeft, “Sexual Symbolism”

« πλ | God »

Supposing He had found us…

· 17 September 2006

An “impersonal God”—well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads—better still. A formless life-force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap—best of all. But God Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps approaching at an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband—that is quite another matter. There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall? There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion (“Man’s search for God”!) suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us?

— C.S. Lewis [via]

« πλ | God »

They are in fashion…

· 16 September 2006

The greatest part of mankind have no other reason for their opinion than that they are in fashion.

— Samuel Johnson

« πλ | Attitude, Observation »

Try to acquire those virtues…

· 15 September 2006

Try to acquire those virtues which you think your brothers lack, and you will no longer see their defects, because you will not have them yourselves.

— St. Augustine [via]

« πλ | Virtue »

Baptism means derailment…

· 14 September 2006

The word baptism means derailment. Christ baptizes Peter on the rock when he tells him: “Because you confessed your love for me, your life is no longer your own. Before you said this, you fastened your belt and you walked wherever you liked. Now, others will put a belt around you and take you where you would rather not go.” To submit to love is to be baptized, that is, to let one’s life be forever interrupted. To not let one’s life be interrupted is to say no to love

— Ronald Rolheiser

« πλ | Faith, Love »

Forget the mystery…

· 13 September 2006

Hegel said, “Behind the facade of the familiar, strange things await us.” Familiarity enables us to tame, control and ultimately forget the mystery

— John O’Donohue

« πλ | Mystery »

Doubt is a pain…

· 12 September 2006

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother

— Kahlil Gibran

« πλ | Doubt, Faith »

The highest ecstasy…

· 11 September 2006

The highest ecstasy is the attention at its fullest.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Awareness »

The danger is not…

· 10 September 2006

The danger is not lest the soul should doubt whether there is any bread, but lest, by a lie, it should persuade itself that it is not hungry.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Discernment, Longing »

As they are nothing…

· 9 September 2006

Charity. To love human beings in so far as they are nothing. That is to love them as God does.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Love »

The great fabricator of illusions…

· 8 September 2006

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Detachment »

Every separation is…

· 7 September 2006

Two prisoners whose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means of communication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Longing »

Our Father is to prayer…

· 6 September 2006

The Our Father is to prayer what Christ is to humanity.

— Simone Weil

« πλ | Christ, Prayer »

If suffering alone taught…

· 5 September 2006

I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable.

— Anne Morrow Lindbergh

« πλ | Suffering »

Pray as you can…

· 4 September 2006

Pray as you can, not as you can’t.

— John Chapman

« πλ | Prayer »

More things are wrought by…

· 3 September 2006

More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.

— Alfred Lord Tennyson

« πλ | Prayer »

The foolish reject…

· 2 September 2006

The foolish reject what they see, not what they think; the wise reject what they think, not what they see.

— Huang Po [via]

« πλ | Proverb, Wisdom »

Faith is to believe what…

· 1 September 2006

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.

— St. Augustine

« πλ | Faith »