You will walk toward the mirror, closer and closer, then flow into the glass. You will disappear some day like that, being more real, more true, at the last. You learn what you are, but slowly, a baby, a boy, a man, a self often shattered, and pieces put together again till the end: you […]
Another parabox—joy and suffering, both come from love. A friend shared this meditative reflection with me recently. I asked permission to post it. I feel waves of suffering coming from within my being. It’s as if they are at regularly determined intervals and I am just riding them; allowing each one to bounce me up […]
What the self decides in time is ratified in eternity. — Peter Kreeft, Three Philosophies of Life I choose You…
Before I found my faith, I had a real problem with the concept of original sin. The first time I attended RCIA classes with my wife, I used it as one of my excuses for dropping out of the classes. I remember someone describing original sin as a stain on humanity, that is all humans […]
At Wednesday night’s RCIA class, Father used a set of concentric rings to describe how an individual develops friendship (see diagram below). People in the outer ring are considered acquaintances, and there are many of them. You just chit-chat with acquaintances. You talk about everyday kind of things, like the weather or how green the […]