I think Walker Percy, in Lost in the Cosmos, sums up the situation between man and God via Jesus: If you’re a big enough fool to climb a tree and like a cat refuse to come down, then someone who loves you has to make as big a fool of himself to rescue you.
From Br. Joseph — We have all seen pictures of the crucifixion. There is one particular picture, a bit different from most, which I want to describe. The viewpoint of the picture is from above the Cross, a little higher than His right hand and a little behind, looking downward over Jesus on the Cross, […]
To paraphrase Peter John Cameron, O.P. in “Lent and Reality”: Salvation is an escape from our own inability. In our darkness, the incomparable capacity of our being will settle for nothing less than the embrace of the Infinite. Like nothing else, our helplessness moves us to cry out for that embrace in confidence and trust. […]
Fr. Ken told this parable during last week’s homily on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross: There was a man standing beside a river and saw a scorpion floating on top of the water, helpless in the river current. The man reached out to save the scorpion and was stung. He instinctively reacted by jerking […]
Fr. Boyer told this story about a time he was sitting on an airplane while it was loading passengers. A young man sat down next to him and noticed his cleric collar. The young man asked Father, “Are you saved?” Father replied, “Well, I would prefer to think that I am being saved.” The young […]
The song “Bring Me to Life” by Evanescence as been playing on popular radio stations lately. It has an edgy rock sound, and the lead singer has an incredible voice. But when I read the lyrics (after my previous entry), it gave me goose bumps…
I never really understood the whole idea of being “saved”. What did I need being saved from? I felt safe. Where was the danger? Satan? Father Ken brought up an interesting idea that helps explain the idea of being “saved” to some extent. Every human being is plagued by three questions, no matter what their […]