THE SUPPER AT BETHANY Monday of Holy Week by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., Divine Intimacy, #134 PRESENCE OF GOD – O Lord, with Mary of Bethany I wish to pay my humble, devout homage to Your sacred Body before it is disfigured by the Passion. MEDITATION 1. The Gospel for today (Jn […]
THE TRANSFIGURATION by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D., Divine Intimacy, #105 PRESENCE OF GOD – O Jesus, grant that Your grace may triumph in me and make me worthy to participate in Your glorious Transfiguration! MEDITATION 1. The soul of Jesus, personally united to the Word, enjoyed the Beatific Vision, which has as its connatural […]
The Meditator (or The Contemplator) by Ivan Kramskoy, 1876 In The Brothers Karamazov (Bk 3, Ch 6), Dostoevsky makes reference to the above painting in describing Smerdyakov: Yet he would sometimes stop in the house, or else in the yard or the street, fall into thought, and stand like that even for ten minutes. A physiognomist, studying him, […]