“Live as a contingent being” — caught this phrase from a post by Fr. Stephen. Interesting.
con•tin•gent |kən’tinjənt|
1 subject to chance : the contingent nature of the job. See note at accidental.
• (of losses, liabilities, etc.) that can be anticipated to arise if a particular event occurs : businesses need to be aware of their liabilities, both actual and contingent.
• PHILOSOPHY true by virtue of the way things in fact are and not by logical necessity : that men are living creatures is a contingent fact.
2 (contingent on/upon) occurring or existing only if (certain other circumstances) are the case; dependent on : resolution of the conflict was contingent on the signing of a cease-fire agreement.noun
a group of people united by some common feature, forming part of a larger group : a contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a conference.
• a body of troops or police sent to join a larger force in an operation : a contingent of 2,000 marines.DERIVATIVES
con•ting•ent•ly adverbORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense [of uncertain occurrence] ): from Latin contingere ‘befall,’ from con- ‘together with’ + tangere ‘to touch.’ The noun sense was originally [something happening by chance,] then [a person’s share resulting from a division, a quota] ; the current sense dates from the early 18th cent.