I was talking with an older friend whose wife is the middle of battling the second stage of a debilitating disease. They chose to adopt two children years ago instead of passing this 50-50 chance, hereditary disease on to the next generation. Early in their marriage, he witnessed his mother-in-law progress through the disease that prematurely took her life. And now his belove wife is in the middle of it. They knew it was coming. And now it’s here. They have a few years left together, and they both treasure each and every moment of life.
His wife recently had a milestone birthday and all her family (daughters, brothers and their familes, grandchildren, etc.) came to visit and celebrate. This disease stops with her. No more in her family. But she still must battle it, with her husband at her side. Near the end of our conversation, he said, “If I had received everything I had wished for, it would have been so much less than what I did receive.”
Wow! God is a prodigal father. His gifts are always so much more than what we ask for, even when we do not think our prayers are answered. We cannot see.
In the Gospels, Jesus never prayed from a need-base, that is, from what was missing, but always from the abundance of the Father, to fill, to make whole. I am reminded of the line from the “Soul of Christ” prayer:
Jesus, with you by my side enough has been given.
Help me to see this Father; help me to live this. Please continue to bless my friends. Thank You for everything.