World: Do unto others before they do unto you.
Reality: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
World: Life is something I have.
Reality: I am a part of life.
World: Love is a part of me.
Reality: I am a part of love.
World: Freedom from something.
Reality: Freedom for something.
World: Reduces the greater to the lesser.
Reality: The lesser reflects the greater.
World: Because God loves everyone, God loves me.
Reality: Because God love me, God loves everyone.
World: I pray so that I can change God.
Reality: I pray so that God can change me.
World: Love things, use people.
Reality: Love people, use things.
World: Man’s search for God.
Reality: God’s search for man.
World: The universe is dark and human understanding is an expanding circle of light.
Reality: The universe is light and human understanding is a shrinking circle of darkness.
World: It is better to receive.
Reality: It is better to give.
World: It’s all about me.
Reality: It’s all about the other.