The Father knocks at my door, seeking a home for his son: Rent is cheap, I say. I don’t want to rent. I want to buy, says God. I’m not sure I want to sell, but you might come in to look around. I think I will, says God. I might let you have a […]
The Father knocks at my door, seeking a home for his son: Rent is cheap, I say. I don’t want to rent. I want to buy, says God. I’m not sure I want to sell, but you might come in to look around. I think I will, says God. I might let you have a […]
Father, I abandon myself into your hands, do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I thank you, I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures— I wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your […]
I wonder if the individuals who are against immigration reform and are celebrating Cinco de Mayo today will appreciate the irony of the situation?
The 10 commandments for peace on the roads are: Begin with a prayer. If you start late, arrive late. Alcohol is for the radiator, not the operator. If entry into the flow of traffic is facilitated by the courtesy of another driver, wave in appreciation. If you have inadvertently endangered the safe passage of another […]
I wrote this poem in less than an hour. If you know me, this is very unusuall, especially with anything poetic. This poem was inspired by and originally posted with Susan’s poem. It sums up a small portion of my experience this past year following the Spiritual Exercises. All I truly have is the present […]
Last Supper by Bohdan Piasecki, 1998 I like this painting of the Last Supper. Not because it rewrites the Gospel accounts or hints at the inclusion of women as apostles and as ordained priests. That intrudes upon theological issues that I do not want to get into, and frankly, could care less about. No, I […]
The maxim of illusory religion runs: “Fear not; trust in God and he will see that none of the things you fear will happen to you;” that of real religion, on the contrary is, “Fear not; the things that you are afraid of are quite likely to happen to you, but they are nothing to […]
I have not written one word on the Da Vinci Code or on gnostic writings like the Gospel of Judas or Thomas (or anything written by Elaine Pagels). I probably will not write any others after this post. My forte is not apologetics and so I leave it to others so gifted to stand against […]
Is an inability to forgive another person connected to an inability to receive forgiveness? Are these connected to an inability to forgive oneself? Something to ponder. I know that I am much harder on myself than others. And I know that none of them happen without much prayer and God’s grace.
The world is charged with the grandeur of God. (Gerard Manley Hopkins) I ran across the initials A.M.D.G. the other morning. I knew they were Latin for something by the context. A quick Internet search found Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, “For the greater glory of God”. As the day wore on, I found myself more and more […]
From Wednesday’s Baccalaureate Mass, Fr. Scott said the following near the end of his homily (emphasis added). It applies to all people, not only to the “youth of today”. They say that the biggest problem with the youth of today is their lack of identity. They don’t know who they are because they have not […]
We just ended a twelve-day streak of 90+ days here in central Oklahoma. We normally don’t start those until late June, early July. The rain has finally come too. It has been skirting the area for a couple days. Not much, but enough. I reckon it’s going to be a long, hot summer. (Reminds me […]