The Jerusalem Cross has four smaller crosses around a large central cross. The five crosses represent the five wounds of Christ. When the large cross represents Christ, the four smaller crosses can represent many things—the four Gospels by the four Evangelists; the mission to spread the Good News to the four corners of the world; the four parts of a person (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual).
I would like to add that the four smaller crosses represent today, and every day since—the Fourth Day—the day after Christ’s three days in the tomb. With His Passion completed on Friday, His time in the tomb, and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday, we now live His Fourth Day.
I have added a red heart to the center of the traditional Jerusalem Cross. Through grace, our hearts are to be transformed into the heart of Jesus, to love as He loves. And through all our journeys, we are to keep our heart on Christ. For at the center of Christ is Love, the heart of it all.
How are you going to live your Fourth Day?
Addendum: You are welcome to copy and use the image of the Jerusalem Cross with the heart on your weblog or website as long as your website is for non-commercial purposes. A link to CowPi Journal would be appreciated but not required.