Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here’s what they had to say
“We’re callin’ everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more”But no one heard them callin’, no one came at all
‘Cause they were too busy watchin’ those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin’ out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to historyRide, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed— “Ride Captain Ride” by Blues Image, 1970
I remember hearing this song as a kid and wondering why the number 73? When I read Luke 10:1-24, it all made sense.
After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.
In college, I was most fortunate to be the 73rd member to sign my fraternity’s scroll, and so my jersey number was 73. I didn’t appreciate the significance of that number at the moment. I do now. I would be humbled and honored just to swab the decks for my Captain.
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The ticket price for boarding the Mystery ship is too high for us to pay, so the Captain has paid the price in full for everyone, with His life, regardless of whether we choose to ride or not.
Jennifer has a very powerful, extended meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries in The Suffering of Christ.
Owen writes The Place of Hope. Upon reflecting the pain and suffering due to sin that Jesus took upon Himself, and the reading of stories of real people, leads to the “strange place of simultaneous pain and victory”, to the Paschal Mystery on The Cross.
In Now the Hour has Come, Kevin writes a reflection on what the Mass readings for the fifth Sunday of Lent tell us about the meaning and importance of Jesus’ Passion and death.
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Some of the crew…
Most people think of John the Baptist as being more appropriate for Advent than Lent. But in John the Baptist—Model for Lent, Mitchell finds after careful examination that John’s life was a model for that of Christ, and serves as a pattern for all of us to follow—at Lent and throughout the year.
Moneybags reminds us in John Paul Lives On: Part IV that April 2, 2006 is the one year anniversary of his death, and this post, the last in a four part series, remembers the life and death of the Servant of God.
Lane provides us a stunning image of Pope John Paul II in honor of the First Anniversary of Pope John Paul the Great. The photo was taken December 3, 2000 and is suitable for computer wallpaper or desktop image. Some links to last year’s blogging are also included.
Christine responds to an article posted on her church bulletin board about St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in St. Louis. She answers point-for-point about this schismatic parish and found the exercise quite therapeutic.
Eddy writes Vocation Reflections, a continuing series of posts discussing how a young man is embracing his call to become a Catholic priest.
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The journey…
Hope writes a Lenten inspired post, The Beauty Of Hope. Celebrating 18 years of sobriety (yahoooooo!!!) and fighting the tough temptations to replace this addiction with others, she has discovered the life-sustaining virtue that “Hope lies in the fact that it is a forward journey.”
Jim provides a synopsis for Dating and Vocations with Fr. John Waiss. This podcast speaks on the many issues of dating, finding a suitable and compatible partner, and marriage.
Continuing his posts on education, Fred looks at a new book on the teaching of writing in his post, Beyond Formalism: Strategy as Meaningful.
Louise writes a movie review plus some social commentary based on her experiences in Odd Bedfellows. Odd Bedfellows is the title of an Australian movie about a couple of men who have been friends all their lives and decide to pretend to be a gay couple to take advantage of some favourable tax laws.
Prompted by an article on workaholism, Herbert wrote a Book Review: On-the-Job-prayers. William D. Thomson’s book, On-The-Job Prayers, will become a source of grace for those trying to make their jobs into a ministry and spiritual practice.
Jay writes What Protestants Do Right. Deo Omnis Gloria is an apologetics weblog that often focuses on the shortcomings of non-Catholics. They take this time to point out what Protestants are doing right vis-à-vis Catholics. (Read the comments too!)
Joel looks forward to Palm Sunday in Mea Culpa, Kyrie Eleison, and Hosanna. Palm Sunday occurring during Lent seems incongruous until you think about the implications. We’re no less sinful than those people who waved palm fronds at the beginning of the week, and then at the end of the week called for Jesus’ death. We need to repent for being the sort of people who would have crucified Him if we’d had the chance.
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Keeping an eye on the compass…
Sometimes the compass needs a little tap of the finger on the side just to make sure it is still pointing true as Jeff finds out in Hmmmm…. Occasionally he uses catechism quizzes for Adult Faith Formation classes. They are great conversation starters, especially when they find the quizzes have wrong answers. He does not think we can say the bishops are teaching heresy, but they need to fix some of the answers on their online quizzes.
Kevin checks the navigation charts by providing an analysis of Pope John Paul’s The Gospel of Life in My Favorite of John Paul the Great’s Encyclicals.
The Accusers is a reflection written by Penitens from Monday’s readings. There are lessons to learn from these two different episodes of justice.
Rob finds The TAF Bible propping up the short leg of the Captain’s table. It is full of “familiar” Biblical events and passages that both professional and amateur theologians will appreciate. (Be sure to check the date of this post, wink-wink, nudge-nudge.)
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Wind for the sails…
At his other weblog, Jay provides a simple prayer for those of us who are fathers in A Prayer for Fatherly Guidance.
And finally your host, Mark adds words of encouragement through the trials and struggles for writing on the internet in To Write Something.
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The final destination…
These words from 1 Corinthians 2:9,
But as it is written: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.”