Here’s my heart
I know at times I can hold it back,
cautiously ensuring it will be handled with great compassion,
carefully making certain
my dreams will not be ridiculed
or the words of my soul trampled on.
But I’m so heavy right now
and maybe if I release my heart to you
some of the burden will be lifted.
And with the burden lifted maybe
my feeling of value and importance will be restored.
I’m not all that different from anyone else.
I just want to know that I am seen,
really seen.
I just want to be heard.
I want to open my mouth and let it spill out,
not just observations about the weather,
or cute stories about my son,
or needless gossip about an acquaintance.
No, I want to talk about the deeper things,
the things I’ve been holding in so long,
the things that really matter—
the dreams,
the fears,
the failures,
the doubts,
the passion,
the crushing weight of it all.
Then, after I’ve emptied every corner of my soul
I want only one thing in return—
my face cradled in your hands,
lifted to meet your gaze,
and then a holy kiss
placed gently on my forehead,
a kiss that says there’s no need for words because
you understand it all,
you understand every cry of my bruised heart.
— Michelle Ensminger [via]