Today is the feast day for Saint Nicholas of Flüe. One of his prayers is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 226, with reference to Mt 5:29-30; 16:24-26) My Lord and my God, take from me everything that distances me from you. My Lord and my God, give me everything that brings me […]
A recent status update of mine on FaceBook: Gave up Dr. Pepper for Lent. Minimum amount of Mt Dew is staving off the caffeine withdrawal headaches, but it’s not the same as good ole DP. Giving up Facebook would have been easier. 😉 Offer it up. If you can’t read between the lines, I’m addicted […]
“Live as a contingent being” — caught this phrase from a post by Fr. Stephen. Interesting. con•tin•gent |kən’tinjənt| adjective 1 subject to chance : the contingent nature of the job. See note at accidental. • (of losses, liabilities, etc.) that can be anticipated to arise if a particular event occurs : businesses need to be […]
I’ve been working on a new website. I can’t seem to let go of my habit of collecting quotes. My little egoic self feels the need to collect them, as if they are something for it to hold on, to make itself feel more real or tangible. My true self knows that they are just […]
You tried so hard to be someone that you forgot who you are You tried to fill some emptiness ‘til all you had spilled over Now everything’s so far away that you don’t know where you are When all that you wanted And all that you have don’t seem so much For you to hold […]