Silence asserts not. It is simple nothingness Around every sound. Like God, silence waits To be heard among the thoughts. It never changes. Not to soothe with balm, Silence calls to stimulate, To notice no-thing. The song of silence Teaches one to listen, and Imbues with Presence.
The felt the big emptiness this morning. It actually started yesterday afternoon, but I did not notice or label it as such until this morning. It is not depression. I know depression. It’s close, but not the same. There is no despair, no deep sadness or lowness that comes with depression. It is just an […]
The Lord God then called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) This is, in my opinion, the saddest line in the whole of Scripture. It hints of God’s heart ache for us. It is a response to a choice Adam and Eve made that formed a great chasm between God and […]
Your words to me just a whisper Your face is so unclear I try to pay attention Your words just disappear ‘Cause it’s always raining in my head Forget all the things I should have said So I speak to you in riddles ‘Cause my words get in my […]
At the retreat this weekend, one of my students had a small epiphany during a very special prayer moment around the Blessed Sacrament. The following words come to her; it seemed as if God was speaking directly to her within her heart. A deep sense of peace followed. She wrote down the words on her […]
Let nothing disturb you; Let nothing make you afraid. All things are passing; God alone never changes. Patience gains all things. Who has God wants nothing. God alone suffices. — The Bookmark of Saint Teresa of Avila In this beautiful prayer, Saint Teresa implies possession, but also that nothing can be possessed. She does not […]
I have had several people at different times tell me in counsel to “live my faith.” I was usually struggling through something at the time, a bit lost and confused about certain things, and my initial response every time was, “How? What does it mean to live out your faith?” They did their best to […]